21.07.16 Jaamaõisa.
This building looks very good.
21.07.16 Karlova.
Even though overmodernised since 1960's and 1970's, it still looks very nice and nostalgic. Perfect colour.
29.07.16 Karlova.
24.04.16 Karlova, former building of Physics Department of University of Tartu. My favourite building in Tartu. I bought my first camera 15 years ago to take photos of exactly this building, and I did. More photos in post nr. 49. Now as it looks after renovation. I am afraid all those 1970's-looking nice corridors with heavy metal doors are gone...
Looks very nice even after renovation.
Second photo in post nr. 49 shows how much more lush it used to be.
Last but no least: this is now part of some other school. The text on the wall says "(Getting) Brave, creative and open with wisdom". I wanted to especially see this wall because in addition to the whole building, this wall was extra reason for me to get a camera and take photos. Here is exactly the situation that I was afraid of coming: the original mysterious abstract painting from 1970's is gone!
So on 29.06.04 this wall looked like this. This is an amazing piece of art: one looks through a hole or round window of a spacecraft another small planet... It looks like only the floor has survived.
I feel irrevocably sad that all the physics and science and academy is now gone from this building.
25.07.16 Maarjamõisa, seen from railway station.
29.07.16 Maarjamõisa.
There was this very beautiful and uplifting new building (or renovated old one, I am not sure).
A gem.
24.04.16 Raadi-Kruusamäe. This is very original and surprising for Maxima supermarket.
I just happened to get here and found by surprise that there is something like that being built, new Estonian National Museum.
I am sure that house has lots of old stories and secrets. Somebody should write them down.
29.07.16 Tammelinn. Under the road. Nice decoration has been invaded with colours and three questions: "Where are we coming from?", "Who are we?", "Where are we going?" (Possible only in Tartu.)
The renovation of this has been finished by now.
21.07.16 Vaksali. That nice white silicate brick house has been renovated into something far less nice.
Nearby. Such thing should be maintained rather than removed.
Just a graffiti, but...
... see the year! I wonder if there really will be such a coin.
29.07.16. I am not sure where was this, in Tammelinn or in Vaksali.
I am hesitant because such house is more likely located in Vaksali than in Tammelinn.
29.07.16. I am not sure where I took these, probably in Tammelinn and/or nearby.
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