Thursday, 14 April 2016

423 Väike-Õismäe and Mustamäe 2007-2015

A little update of the major block areas in Tallinn, mostly Väike-Õismäe, with some older photos too.

This was built right next to the municipality building (red one). It has a swimming pool, gym, perhaps even a library. Photos taken not long after it was completed.

A bit further away, Ehitajate tee 133C.


View from Äripäev building at Pärnu road (over Kristiine).

Close to Järveotsa tee and Paldiski road.

Väike-Õismäe building seen from Nõmme through Mustamäe.

From plane. Astangu block-area on top, Väike-Õismäe area below. I think that very straight way between them was once a railway.

Under renovation.

In one of the most beautiful areas of Väike-Õismäe.

I started my walk from the border of Väike-Õismäe. The swimming pool is in the right on the photo.

Golden-coloured balconies.

This street is official border between Väike-Õismäe (right) and Mustamäe (left). But I don't think this area in the left is actually considered as Mustamäe.

My goal was to go and see new highrises in this area, officially Mustamäe.

There are lots of Väike-Õismäe blocks in the right, out of the picture, and since those new blocks far away have the visual connection with those, that's why it would be so natural to consider these new as part of Väike-Õismäe. From the ground level, no Mustamäe dwelling blocks are seen, from higher levels, most probably yes.

There is a brand new street name for these and upcoming houses: Pöörise (Whirl) because the street will look like a whirlpool or spiral and houses will be built right next to it.

I am very glad that at last there will be more towerblocks in this area. Lasnamäe already has several new towerblocks built through the past 5+ years, but there has been none such in both Väike-Õismäe and Mustamäe (after their completion), these are the first. Strangely though, the height of these and the ones in Lasnamäe seems to be set by the old standard, 14-15 levels.

Third one should be under construction already.

Another very beautiful place in Väike-Õismäe that has caught my attention from the earliest seeings: right next to Kadaka Selver, view towards Ehitajate tee towerblocks (swimming pool is right behind the two leftmost blocks).

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