Sunday, 20 May 2012

099 Valga in 2006 and 2008

The capital of Valga county is Valga. It's one of two cities that have other half on the other side of the border, in Latvia in this case. Latvian part is called Valka, there will be a special post of Valka too. These are just some few random photos before my real commieblock tour here in 2010.


And the same closer. My brother used to live on the highest floor in this one! The balcony was really scary and like falling down any second...

08.10.08 from a bus window.

098 Saku 08.08.09

More pictures from that magnificent day in 2009. Saku was once part of Tallinn, now it is a separate suburb few kilometers from the edge of Tallinn.

I arrived by train.

Former train station I suppose.

And blocks!

Such a unique minimalism!

Something unique again: one corridor without balconies. Was it "deficit" (read: building materials were just stolen) or some architectural style? There's one in Otepää just like that too!

Wow, these were super cool! Nice and clean after renovation.

That's how it was before, thankfully not all were renovated so it can be compared. Actually, the original is nicer.

It looks like I was there in a very right moment, capturing the process of renovation.

Gorgeous view!

Saku brewery.


I wanted to capture those nice colours, success!

And then back to Tallinn!

It was an amazing and enjoyable walk in this quiet small town in a hot summer weekend! Why should I go to beach when I can explore places like this? :)