Thursday, 23 March 2017

551 Mustamäe 2016, part 2 of 2

First some photos of a certain school (Sõpruse pst. 187) that was heavily renovated.



Retke tee 24.

Very beautiful Sõpruse pst. 243.

And Sõpruse pst. 239 seen from there.

Such a beauty, memories... My grandfather used to have this car with the same colour.

Sõpruse pst. 250 on the left and 246 on the right waiting for its upcoming change.

This is Keskuse 6.

This is probably Mustamäe tee 201.

This is the circle where kidnapped bride and groom felt down from a horse cart in the soviet-time comedy movie "Young Pensioner".

And it looked like this (view towards Keskuse 6 and above-mentioned first 9-floorer in Mustamäe, Sõpruse pst. 250), as I have already shown in post nr. 70:

Also this house is visible in the movie, Mustamäe tee 136. When I walked by it was empty and on sale I think.

It looked like this:

This is the neighbouring Mustamäe tee 134. The block behind is Mustamäe tee 132, a nicely painted/insulated one.

Mustamäe tee 138.

Keskuse 12.

Keskuse 14.

Keskuse 16, used to be a grocery store, now billiard and saunas (

A school Keskuse 18.

Keskuse 14a.

Kindergarten at Ehitajate tee 50.

Ehitajate tee 40, 42, 44, 46.

Sõpruse pst. 246, plus one of the nicest cars ever.

I walked close to the edge of Mustamäe. Newly made way for walking and sports, actually prolongation of a bigger way like this that ends at the other part (photos from my previous post). This used to be a railway.

Pöörise street buildings.

Brand new building Kadaka tee 145a. There should be building in front of it as seen from this place, Kadaka tee 145.

I continued walking along the former railway which is now just a walking path behind industrial area.

Väike-Õismäe blocks far away.

My camera's wheel was in slightly wrong position so there is a whole series of photos in addition.


No wonder this street where I was walking on is called Kõrgepinge (High Voltage).

That big building at Kadaka tee is related to electricity, it the location of Elektrilevi.

A big hospital after long renovation and even rebuilding or something. This part looked much different in the past.

Long curvy house at Tammsaare tee 81.

Few blocks having Sütiste tee address.

Recently finished insulation and it has new colours, very nice!

Sõpruse pst. 231 and 229.

Sütiste tee 34 on the right.

My camera tries to make it lighter when it's dark.

The reality was this, very cool and gloomy, it is before 5PM.

Sõpruse pst. 231 again in the evening.

Front part of it.

Sütiste tee 30a and 32, far away is Sõpruse pst. 229.

Sütiste tee 32.

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